J/D - Asurion, IT DevOps Engineer
현재 9월말 채용시장에서는,
백엔드 개발자보다, DevOps 엔지니어 니즈가 더 높다.
(Node.js, Javascript로 검색해서 그런 거 같기도 하다.)
내가 활발하게 구직하게 될 1,2달 후에는 백엔드 엔지니어 수요가 높기를.
IT DevOps Engineer
Full-time · Associate
10,001+ employees · IT Services and IT Consulting
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About the job
Are you looking for a new role where you can be yourself and accomplish your best work? Look no further. At Asurion, our teams work collaboratively to innovate and serve customers while ensuring employees succeed and feel valued.
We don’t just provide customers with exceptional service — we create a positive experience for our employees, helping them grow their careers while they help customers enjoy and do more with their technology.
If you are looking to expand your career in a fast-paced, team-focused, global environment, then apply to join our growing team today.
Who is the DevOps Engineer?
클라우드에서 운영되는 다수의 business System를 효율적으로 운영, 관리 및 개선하는 업무를 수행하며, 장애 발생시 즉각적인 대응을 통해 고객 신뢰도를 높이고, 내부 직원들의 업무 지원을 위한 IT Infrastructure를 운영 및 관리하여 회사의 비즈니스 성장에 기여합니다.
As a DevOps Engineer, here’s what you can expect to do:
- Business 업무 시스템이 운영되는 AWS Cloud Resource 관리 (Route53, EC2, ECS, API Gateway, Lambda, Linux 등)
- CI/CD을 위한 Jenkins & Cloud Resource 운영 및 관리
- 생성되는 신규 Resource에 대한 자동화 설정 및 관리
- Resource 생성 및 관리를 위한 Ansible Script 운영
- 회사 보안 정책에 따른 Resource 보안 관리
- 신규 Business에 적합한 Resource Sizing
- Cloud 장애 발생에 따른 문제 파악 및 해결
- IT Infrastructure (Network Devices, Leased Line, Firewall 등 ) 관리 운영
- 내부 고객을 위한 IT 지원
Here’s what you’ll bring to the team:
- 컴퓨터 공학 또는 관련 학과 4년제 대학 졸업 학사 이상 우대
- AWS Cloud Resource 운영 및 관리 업무 5년 이상의 경험 보유
- 5년 이상의 대용량 및 24*7 업무 시스템 운영 경험
- 3년 이상의 Ansible을 통한 Instance 혹은 Server (Linux, Windows) 운영 경험
- 3년 이상의 Nginx, NodeJs, Apache 등의 Web Service 운영 경험 보유
- Shell script, Python, Ansible & Terraform Programming 경험 보유
- Network 및 Security 운영 경험 보유
- 비즈니스 현업과의 원활한 커뮤니케이션 역량
- AWS Solution Architect Associate 이상의 자격증 보유자 우대
- IDC 내/외부에서 대용량 System 운영 경험자 우대
- NewRelic, PRTG 등의 모니터링 Tool 사용 경험자 우대
- Active/Active or DRP 구축 경험자 우대
- L2, L3, L7, Firewall, IPS 등의 Network & Security 장비 운영 경험자 우대
How we can take care of you:
• Join a non-hierarchical, fast paced and inclusive team – we foster a work culture where employees are valued, regardless of their background, level or position
• Be a part of something bigger – we are constantly evolving within a startup framework, cultivated and supported by the backing of a large global organization
• Have the potential to earn beyond your base salary
• Enjoy generous benefits (Flexible work system, Cafeteria, Mobile phone subsidy, Medical checkup, Group term insurance, etc.)
• Boost your career through our culture of learning. Take advantage of tailored opportunities for personal growth as you build your personal development plan with your People Leader using our IDEA framework.
• Get recognized and rewarded by your peers through our ACE recognition platform – you can earn points for awesome work to trade in for rewards across major retailers
• Connect with the local team through team building, town halls and group training
• Give back to the community through the partnership with our local charity partners
Get to know us:
For more than 25 years, Asurion has been a leader in innovation. With 55 offices worldwide and working with 120 respected companies you’ve heard of whose products you love. Asurion’s 19,000 employees and counting deliver a seamless, award-winning customer experience to our 300 million customers, anticipating their needs and providing tailored services reachable within one touch. We are regularly recognized for our excellence in service, customer support and as a best place to work.
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