CSP = cloud service provider = Microsoft
name of cloud = Azure
Virtualization is what powers the cloud.
You cannot send a real physical processor, memory, or hard disk over a network, but you can provision their virtual counterparts over a network, and they'll behave like the real ones. Virtualization gives mobility to these pieces.
Virtualization is the foundation for cloud - Azure 동영상 튜토리얼 | LinkedIn Learning(이전 이름: Lynda.com)
This video explains what virtualization is, how it emulates hardware, and how it essentially powers the cloud.
Key characteristics of cloud computing
The first key characteristic is resource pooling. The second key characteristic is elasticity.
. The third key characteristic is pay per use
The fourth key characteristic is automation.
Key characteristics of cloud computing - Azure 동영상 튜토리얼 | LinkedIn Learning(이전 이름: Lynda.com)
This video explains the four key characteristics—resource pooling, scalability, pay-per-use, and automation—of a cloud environment.
shared resposibility model
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